Survey Topics
- Employment
- Current employment status in past 7 days
- Number of jobs in past 7 & 30 days, hours & weeks worked in year
- Among non-working: job seeking, availability/desire to work, time since last worked
- For main job & second job (past week OR past 30 days):
- Occupation, industry, job tenure
- Employment arrangements: how employed/paid/contingent employment
- Self-employment status
- Payment methods, tax reporting
- App-based work
- Potential independent contractor misclassification
- Employment agency or contract work
- Job characteristics
- Physical demands
- Psychosocial demands, workplace surveillance, bullying
- Shifts, flexibility, work from home
- Sick pay, pension, health benefits, union contract
- Employment history:
- Displacement in past 3 years
- Occupation/industry/tenure of longest-held job
- Time out of workforce
- Experience of employment discrimination
- Health
- General physical and mental health status; activity limitations
- Pain and other physical symptoms
- Experience of stress
- Chronic illness battery
- Workplace injury
- Health behaviors: smoking, alcohol, exercise
- Height and weight
- Health insurance status
- Sociodemographic and Financial Well-being
- Age (18-70) and gender
- Race and ethnicity
- Marital status and household size/composition
- Education of self and partner
- Household income and federal poverty status
- Individual earnings, sources of income, benefits
- Home ownership & homelessness
- Financial stability
- Caregiving responsibilities, paid and unpaid