The California Labor Lab is a collaboration among investigators from UCSF and UC Berkeley, along with partners at the California Department of Public Health, UCLA School of Public Health, and Harvard University. The Lab is funded primarily through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Total Worker Health® program, and receives funding from UCSF’s Philip R Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies and UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health. Investigators affiliated with the Labor Lab have funding from other governmental and private sources.
The Labor Lab is committed to research that furthers its mission to extend the pursuit of health and safety for workers in traditional employment to those in a wide range of alternative arrangements, in partnership with affected communities. In light of this mission, we are committed to making our data available, with restrictions to ensure that the data are used appropriately.
To learn more about accessing the California Work and Health Survey, please visit this page.
To review the guidelines and submit a proposal, click here.
A PDF version of the form is also available here.
For questions, please contact [email protected].